Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Plans, plans, plans...

I'm learning that my plans, although well thought out, are not always going to happen the way I have so carefully orchestrated them to... Infact, something as small as a little blue line can change everything that was set into motion.

Our adoption process has been put on hold until 2011-the year we would've brought home our Korean baby. In all of our planning and training and filling out papers and getting old documents we were very surprised to find out that I was pregnant. And although it's a wonderful and exciting time I couldn't help but feel a tiny bit of dissapointment. I was so prepared for adoption. So prepared for something completely different... The first week was just spent in shock and wonder! How in the world did this happen? (I know how it happened, but when you're extremely careful things like this are incredibly surprising!)

I'm incredibly thankful for this pregnancy. It's a time of learning, of growing, maybe a little bit of worrying... But I'm thankful. This is truly a gift from God and I know His timing is best.

We still look forward to beginning the adoption process again in 2011. We really feel God leading us that direction and, well, this isn't a road block or a set back, just God saying that He has something else in store right now.

I'm due June 10th, so this will be a summer baby. Elliotte is excited; Lane has no clue what's going on and I'm sure he will not be all too happy to have a little sibling... lol..

Thanks for reading. I can't wait to start this blog up again!
God bless!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

It's all about learning....

We had our adoption training this weekend. 10 hours of classes. Tony went to all of them and I went to two. Hopefully, I'll be able to make them up online. (my other option is to go to them in person next spring...)

I was so encouraged to learn that a lot of what they teach you to do are things that we already do with out children we have now; Co-sleeping, baby-wearing, no crying it out.... generally what you would read in an attachment parenting book. I'm interested to hear what they think about breastfeeding an adopted child. I'm part of a group of women online who have successfully done this or want to do this... I think it would aid in the bonding process so much...

For now, we wait. Tony and I have doctor's appointments to make, one more paper to fill out and references to collect. Oh yeah, then there's money... haha.. But I know that what we need isn't even a rain drop in the ocean of resources our heavenly Father has... :)

So then, we must immerse ourselves in the culture and history of Korea. We need to make it a part of our lives. So study, study, study... :)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Pray for Shao...

I was looking through a list of waiting children last night.... Special needs children have a special place in my heart. I feel burdened for them...

Last night I found a listing for a little boy named Shao. He is one year old and doesn't have a left forearm. I so badly wish we qualified for China and that our homestudy was completed because I would apply for him in a heartbeat... Here is his listing...

Shao is a very curious, playful little 1-year-old who is fond of being with others. He may have experienced amniotic band syndrome in vitro, which could have resulted in his being born without a left forearm. He has adapted wonderfully, although he may wish to be fitted with prosthesis when he comes home. Some follow-up will need to be conducted to track his growth, too.

I've made it a point to pray for this little boy. He indeed needs a loving home. A home where he can thrive and grow. A home that will be his forever...

It's the beginning...

Some of you know, but most of you do not. We are in the very beginning stages of adoption. After our mound of paperwork is completed, our homestudy will begin.
The road to adoption began a long time ago, for me. I always wanted to adopt and having my own children only strengthened that desire.
With this blog, I hope to record our journey through this process that will, Lord willing, at long last bring a new child into our family. And, hopefully, you as readers, will join along side us in prayer. This is only the beginning and the end result seems so long away. But this is all in God's hands and His timing. Thank you for sharing this with us.
James 1:27a
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress..."